A Maronna t'accumpagna.. ma chi guida sei tu (The Virgin Mary is with you, but it's you doing the driving)
Pascale Giorgi
custom printed car windscreen cover
70 x 145 x 20cm
FINALIST for the Fremantle Arts Centre Print Award 2021
Playing with the custom votive imagery popular in Italy, a car’s windscreen shade is emblazoned with images of Pope Francis with helmet. A Maronna t'accumpagna.. ma chi guida sei tu (The Virgin Mary is with you, but it's you doing the driving) assumes the aesthetic of celebrity worship while the cacophonic composition also makes reference to Late Renaissance painting.
The work borrows its title from a campaign by the Diocese of Napoli to curb dangerous driving, in a city known for its chaotic nature. The sacred name of the Virgin Mary leveraged by the church and the Automobile Club Napoli to appeal to ideas of self-preservation, aided by the cult of personality of ‘cool pope’ Francis. During the campaign, young people were encouraged to enter a competition with suggestions of how to increase road safety, with prizes offered including: Xboxes, PS4s, drones, hoverboards and action cams.
Pascale Giorgi
custom printed car windscreen cover
70 x 145 x 20cm
FINALIST for the Fremantle Arts Centre Print Award 2021
Playing with the custom votive imagery popular in Italy, a car’s windscreen shade is emblazoned with images of Pope Francis with helmet. A Maronna t'accumpagna.. ma chi guida sei tu (The Virgin Mary is with you, but it's you doing the driving) assumes the aesthetic of celebrity worship while the cacophonic composition also makes reference to Late Renaissance painting.
The work borrows its title from a campaign by the Diocese of Napoli to curb dangerous driving, in a city known for its chaotic nature. The sacred name of the Virgin Mary leveraged by the church and the Automobile Club Napoli to appeal to ideas of self-preservation, aided by the cult of personality of ‘cool pope’ Francis. During the campaign, young people were encouraged to enter a competition with suggestions of how to increase road safety, with prizes offered including: Xboxes, PS4s, drones, hoverboards and action cams.